February 2016 Upcoming Events

22 January 2016

February is a busy sailing month with two regattas being held in which Sabres are invited to attend.

There is the Royal Perth Mini Series on the 6th & 7th February 2016, along with the HMAS Perth Memorial Regatta held at Nedlands Yacht Club on the 21st February 2016.

For more information, notice of race and entry details please click the links below. Don’t also forget the WA Sabre AGM on the 16th February 2016


Argonaut Mini Series RPYC  6 & 7 February 2016

rpyc argonaut mini series flyer a4 2016 v1

Click Here for information, entry form and notice of race


HMAS Perth Memorial Regatta 21st February 2016 – Nedlands Yacht Club


This annual Regatta hosted by Nedlands Yacht Club, will be conducted as a tribute to the memory of Captain Hector Waller, DSO, RAN and the crew of HMAS Perth, lost in action on March 1st 1942.

Click Here for information, entry details and notice of race.